Congrats and welcome! Now how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go?

How to Use the Inner Workings of the Calendar Itself to Supercharge Who You Are (and what you can do!)

Up until now, we've been talking about using this Ancient Calendar as a tool to understand the energy flowing around us on a macro level. Who you are at a top level, what the universal energy is on a given day and so forth.

But if you understand more of how the calendar actually works, then some amazing new doors open up.

Now I'm not talking about some expert level, go live in the mountains of Guatemala and meditate for years type of comprehension.

No, what I'm describing is something that while took me years to understand, I can now teach you in a matter of hours - maybe even less depending on if you and I can get on the same wavelength.

Why would you care about how the calendar works? Why not just use the energy readings and be done with it?

Because we're literally talking about understanding some secrets of the Universe here.

You see, if you can understand even the simplest basics underlying WHY they calendar works, you are literally unlocking the door into systems and processes that are foundational pieces of how the universe works on an everyday type of basis.

And this knowledge can be applied to supercharge who you are and what you can do.

For instance, using this knowledge there are 3 things we can specifically help you with to boost your own personal power in the 4 areas that matter most:

  • Mental - Boost the power of your own mind
  • Physical - How to gain (and keep!) levels of fitness that have eluded you up to now
  • Emotional - Reduce (or even remove) the stress and anxiety surrounding ANY issue
  • Spiritual - How to add more adventure to your life (no matter how you define adventure!)

Now, take notice that there are 4 key areas, because that's your first clue into how the inner workings of the calendar can give us mere mortals powerful clues into incredible levels of personal transformation. And we'll get into full details when you add "Improve You" to your library of tools today.

You can think of this as a way to tap into "hidden mental abilities" that you can use for the rest of your life once you learn them here.

It doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter what you do for a living, or what mistakes you may have made in the past. None of it matters.

The universe works the way the universe works, and you can choose to understand it and apply those principles to yourself, your life, and why you are here on the planet - or you can reject the knowledge that is sitting right at your fingertips and continue to get the same results at the same pace you're getting them now.

We are all only granted a brief time on this planet.

I invite you to make the most of them by supercharging your abilities and your results by joining others just like you in this program with the investment of just $27 one time.


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And if for any reason, you feel like this hasn't opened up a new way of thinking...That it hasn't delivered on the promise of being able to transform your life and what you can do in this lifetime, simply let us know at any time in the next 60 days. We'll be happy to refund your money and part as friends.

Remember, while the principles you'll discover can be applied in uncountable ways, we'll focus specifically in applying them in 4 key ways:

  • Mental - Boost the power of your own mind
  • Physical - How to gain (and keep!) levels of fitness that have eluded you up to now
  • Emotional - Reduce (or even remove) the stress and anxiety surrounding ANY issue
  • Spiritual - How to add more adventure to your life (no matter how you define adventure!)

I look forward to going deeper down the rabbit hole with you


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